PromaxBDA: Lots of Challenges, Lots of Ideas

Posted By Joel Pilger on June 14, 2012 11:02 am | Permalink
As the television marketing world has descended upon LA Live for PromaxBDA, I'm struck by the incredibly smart and passionate people in this industry. This place is bustling with challenges. And ideas.
Before the conference was even officially underway, I was hearing some recurring themes. At Monday night's PromaxBDA Elite Member Party, peeps were buzzing:
"Build your brand, one spot at a time."
"Drive viewer loyalty, not just tune-in."
"Make a decision and move forward. You can adapt later."
"Go with your gut." 
"New break structures." 
"A rebrand is not a project, it's a process... that doesn't ever really end."
"Ratings are important but so is persistence and staying true to your brand."

A Few Key Notes

Then, as if on cue, Wired contributing editor Jonah Lehrer kicked off the conference with a keynote address that began coalescing a few of these very themes.
On solving creative problems, "Grit (not intelligence or focused thinking) is the biggest single predictor of success."
On collaboration: "The era of the lone genius is over." 
On teams: Diversity of talent and working together (in the same environment) are key. "Human friction is what creates the spark."
Thanks for sharing, Jonah. It's going to be a good week. I'm looking forward to the conversation.

Joel Pilger is the President and Founder of Impossible ( in Denver, CO.