PromaxBDA: The Roger Awareness Tour

Posted By Drew Neujahr on June 14, 2012 11:41 am | Permalink
Apparently LA cabbies don't want you to charge a fare under $10. We learned that the hard way taking clients to dinner at Mas Malo for Beef and Pickle tacos last night before heading to the conference party at the Griffith Park Observatory.

Thank god the boys from Spike still have a little analog pocket change in their wallets. Fortunately Promax & BDA had the ride to the party well covered with a lively tour bus service that gave goers a glimpse of beautiful Los Feliz on the way up the hill.  

The food and drinks were flowing. Hob-knobbers were Hob-knobbering. Out-of-towners were filling up their instagram feed and a string section serenaded the crowd with unlikely orchestral jams from, the likes of Phoenix and Kelly Clarkson. Overall there was fun to be had and we had it.  

Throughout the night there was a planetarium show that some people said we must see and others warned us to avoid. We opted for casual small talk over contemplating our place in the universe. 

Drew Neujahr is with the LA-based "playground" Roger (, which specializes in bringing creative visions to life. He can be reached at: