April 17, 2006


The upgrade adds enhanced tools for 10-bit, realtime log grading, providing colorists with the tools needed to enhance material intended for high-resolution film. With the Resolve V.3.2 log workflow, colorists can use film-centric controls to adjust low lights, highlights and brightness. Da Vinci's Transformer image processing accelerator allows colorists to reposition 10-bit log files in realtime with rotation.

Added in Resolve V.3.2 are Polygon Windows, powerful isolation tools that let colorists generate isolation areas with up to 100 points. Polygon Windows can be object-tracked and combined with other isolations, including circles, quadrilaterals and keys. 

Resolve V.3.2 also supports the Cinespace color management system, which removes the guesswork from working with film images by giving colorists the power to match, view and manipulate images during the realtime grading process. Additional new features include expanded tools to speed the conforming process, allowing automatic conflict resolution when handling EDLs, and support for both the 64-bit and 32-bit versions of the CXFS file system, a proprietary SAN from Silicon Graphics, which allows Resolve to work seamlessly in an SGI SAN environment, as well as with the ADIC StorNext file system.