WHITE PLAINS, NY – On Thursday, June 9, SMPTE will host an educational Webcast titled “Market Trend Analysis - 3D in Media.” The event will take place at 10am PST/1pm EST and is free for professional and student members ($49 for non-members and associate members).
With 3D production expanding, and 3D audiences growing, a new book/special report is being published called "SMPTE Professional Report Series — 3D in Media: A Technology Analysis.” The book looks at the history of the phenomenon, trends in 3D production, post production and various channels of consumer distribution, from theatrical motion pictures to smart phones, tablets, laptops and desktops, Blu-Ray and the various channels of TV delivery.
The book is a first in a new series of special reports intended to help technologists make mission critical decisions related to challenging technology trends.
The Web event will include commentary from market researcher, strategic consultant and technology journalist Douglas I. Sheer, CEO/chief analyst, D. I. S. Consulting Corporation.