Outlook: Working remotely, without compromise
Rob Hoffmann
Issue: November/December 2020

Outlook: Working remotely, without compromise

For the media and entertainment industry, 2020 was about reacting and adapting to physical distance and remote workflows - without compromising on quality of output, productivity or creative collaboration. As a remote, ‘work from anywhere’ environment continues in 2021, we expect studios and artists to uncover even more opportunities that bring long-lasting benefits to the industry overall. This includes positive improvements to work/life balance, taking advantage of new technologies that allow for high-end content to be created remotely, and the ability for studios to reduce overhead while also better sourcing and retaining talent from across the globe as physical studio space becomes less necessary.

Rob Hoffmann is the Senior Global Lead for Media & Entertainment, Lenovo Workstations (https://www.lenovo.com/us/en/thinkworkstations).