OKLAHOMA CITY, OK - Video training producer Digital-Tutors (www.digitaltutors.com) has released “Creating Cartoon Characters in Modo,” its first title for those looking to learn Luxology ...
January 10, 2008
SAN JOSE, CA – Blackmagic Design is teaming up with Adobe to host the HD Workflow Tour – a schedule of free, two-hour training sessions that show film editors Blackmagic’s hardware a ...
ONTARIO, CANADA - Ask Video Interactive Media (www.askvideo.com) has released a new DVD video tutorial featuring over five hours of instruction on Propellerhead's Reason Version 4. The new version of ...
January 4, 2008
SAN ANTONIO, TX – To ease the learning curve for new LightWave 3D users, NewTek is now offering 10 hours of free online training that details practical steps for general modeling, hard surface m ...
NEW YORK - Nehst Studios (www.filmboot.com), a film production, financing and distribution company headed up by Larry Meistrich, will be holding its Aspiring Filmmakers Boot Camp in March, giving thos ...
Schools are offering students hands-on learning and the skills needed to make the transition from student to pro. Young, talented and trained people are a hot commodity these days, but competition is ...
December 5, 2007
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK - Digital-Tutors (www.digitaltutors.com) has released four new training tools for further developing one's Autodesk Maya skills. Creating Cartoon Sets in Maya, Introduction to Maya n ...
LOS ANGELES - Imagineer Systems (www.imagineersystems.com) has partnered with New Media Hollywood to launch a series of seminars designed to help professionals effectively marketing their services thr ...
November 13, 2007
WASHINGTON, DC - Monday, November 12th is the last chance to register for Apple Final Cut Pro 6 and Motion 3 certified training at the Digital MediaDC show, taking place at the Washington, DC Conventi ...
November 8, 2007
CHICAGO - Columbia College Chicago (www.colum.edu) has purchased four Panasonic AK-HC931B HD multi-format studio/EFP cameras for use in its new HD mobile production truck. The truck is being equippe ...
November 7, 2007